My Fellow Patriots,

We all know about the bias in the liberal media, but there’s a part of America where the tide of liberalism is even worse: universities! They’re a haven for leftists since, like the leftists themselves, they exist in a bubble cut off from how reality actually works.

Fortunately for our young Patriots and Parents out there, not all universities pander to the socialist academics. There are a few places in the US where a Conservative education is possible, and since it’s back to school time, we thought we’d share seven schools for Patriots:

Texas A&M: Though the Aggies are legendary for football, the university campus is also seeped in a deep sense of traditional values and moral integrity. A top institution where a Patriot would be right at home!


1- US Naval Academy: Military discipline and a deep sense of honor drive the culture at the Naval Academy. In addition to a strict schedule and code of ethics, rigorous academics come standard.


2 - Clemson University: Known to be highly selective, this research university drives its academic excellence with a culture of service, integrity and faith. Any true-blooded American would thrive here!


3 - College of the Ozarks: A Christian College that blends religious and academic principles, they are known for their work education program, where students pay for tuition through good old fashioned hard work, maintaining a job while completing their studies


4 - University of Dallas: One of the largest Catholic universities in the country, the University develops leadership in its students through the calling of faith and a commitment to virtue


5 - Hillsdale College: All students entering Hillsdale are required to sign an Honor Code, and live by it. They do not accept any federal or state taxpayer subsidies, and all students must behave in a manner “worthy of the blessings of Liberty”


6 - Thomas Aquinas College: Another top Catholic College, the students here live by strict and formal guidelines governing personal conduct. The Academic excellence here is underpinned by a strong commitment to faith and it’s guiding light.


7 - Texas A&M: Though the Aggies are legendary for football, the university campus is also seeped in a deep sense of traditional values and moral integrity. A top institution where a Patriot would be right at home!

There you have it, fellow Patriots. We hope you find a community of like-minded Americans to help you go forth and prosper.

Always our Best,

Douglas & the PRW Team

Lyra T.