Opinion Pieces
7 Universities For A Great Right Wing Education
My Fellow Patriots, We all know about the bias in the liberal media, but there’s a part of America where the tide of liberalism is even worse: universities! They’re...
5 Young Republican Rising Stars
We support true American Values. There are many bold Young Conservatives out there standing up for Freedom in the new generation, and we want to help their voices be heard. ...
Top 5 American Military Victories
Our land is the Home of the Free, because of the Brave. We’re proud of our heroes, and honor the sacrifices they’ve made for all of us to enjoy...
5 Republican Change Makers
Fellow Patriots, In today’s divided Nation, it’s important to keep the focus on our shared American Values. We know the left is always getting offended and crying foul, especially when...
11 Reasons Why Trump is The Greatest President of All Time
My Fellow Patriots, I gotta tell you, I feel PROUD to be an American...
Mueller & The PC Police
Fellow Patriots, The feeble attacks by the radical left on our Great President have failed yet again. This week, the Dems made fools of themselves trying to make Mueller Testify...
Is this what a REAL patriot would do?
Our flag is a symbol of honor, and those that disgrace it are traitors. As any football fan would know, one famous traitor is Colin Kaepernick, who disgraced our Flag...
The Second Amendment... Plain and Simple.
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.Twenty seven plain and...
Demo(n)crats Are Anti American... SOTU Review
Well it’s official; Demoncrats are all talk and no proof of anything that they talk about! This week’s 2018 State Of The Union Address was monumental in the history of...
The Democratic Slaves [Rant]
Ah how the Democrats scowl when they see that they are losing control of their slaves. Throughout the State of the union speech anything that was minority and America positive...